‘I’m Just a Sweet Transvestite!…’ Rocky Horror Show, Churchill Theatre, Bromley. 19.08.2024

I was so excited about returning to the Churchill Theatre, for this weeks opening night of the bran new tour of the classic Rocky Horror Show, having seen this show a fair few times that didn’t stop me from returning and viewing again especially with this production bringing fresh new talent to the musical! It was such a great feeling walking into the theatre and the vibe of this cult classic was present, with many fans cosplaying many of the characters – I even made sure I had my phantom make up perfected and red lip to top off!

The Rocky Horror Show is a musical comedy with music, lyrics and book written by the mastermind of Richard O’Brien. Telling the story of a newly engaged couple Brad and Janet, who get caught in a storm and end up coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist, Dr Frank-N-further. When taking in they witness the unveiling of his new creation, a sort of Frankenstein-style monster but in the form of an artificially made, fully grown and perfectly physical muscle man named Rocky Horror. Although originally it was as stage production, it was the film adaptation Rocky Horror Picture Show in 1975 that the show began to receive its cult following and still loved by many to date.

With many super fans in the auditorium, it wasn’t long before the audience participation took light and for those that have yet to enjoy this show, there are many comebacks from the audience during the script of the show – which many may think is quite odd, but for a super fan if there wasn’t shouting back mainly towards the narrator it would be very weird! This is a personal highlight each time I get to catch this show, as im always blown away by what the audience say and how the cast respond to it – it just means each time its gives me something different, which is why I keep going back! Tonight it was in the hands of Narrator Nathan Caton, the comedian brought new life into the role whose quick wit and perfect response to each banter allowed him to be an instant favourite to the audience that greatly deserved his applause after each appearance. He was not phased by any response from the audience and really used it to his ability – allowing current affairs to also appear to get some fantastic audience responses and keeping them engaged and on their toes!

Now for the brand new cast that have stepped into the light for this current tour, as innocent Brad and Janet there is Connor Carson and Lauren Chia both had a great chemistry on stage with each other, which was perfectly displayed during ‘Dammit Janet, I love you’ but they were also allowed to display their full talent throughout especially during their solo numbers. They responded well to the audience participation – how they can both keep a straight face during the narrator scenes and the responses they recieve during the show is beyond me!

The roles of Brad and Janet are a complete opposite to that of brother and sister duo Riff Raff and Magenta played beautifully by Job Greuter and Natasha Hoeberigs (who also steps into the Usherette for the opening number). You can clearly see how influenced Job is by the creator of the role – Richard O’Brien showing the correct persona for the role, but also allowing to bring his own style to the role which was great to see. Natasha has a stunning voice that complemented both the Usherette and Magenta, she looked like she was having so much fun in the role for the lustful maid! Accompanying them both on stage was Columbia – Jayme-Lee Zanoncelli, who didn’t put a step wrong in a tapping shoes but also provided great entertainment for the audience to enjoy.

Now, this show would not be Rocky Horror if it didn’t have its Rocky – and its creator. Tonight’s Rocky was played by Morgan Jackson who not only looked the part, blew us away with his amazing gymnastics, along with singing and acting he just made it look easy. His creator Frank-N-Furter was none other than west end star Jason Donovan, as soon as he took to the stage for ‘Sweet Transvestite’ at first I didn’t believe it was him in the classic role but as his performance began to show it was clear it was Jason on stage and his take on Frank-N-Furter was just perfect. He took to the stage in those heels like he was born to do it and made sure the audience got what they came for, instant love for the character they all know and adore. I didn’t know what to expect, but he is by far my favourite actor within the role!

As I said, no matter how many times I go and see this musical I know it will be as if it was the first time. Not Rocky Horror is the same, but one this show does have in common is that at the finale you will guarantee, that you will be up on your feet, jumping to the left, stepping to the right and for sure doing the Time Warp.

Playing at the Churchill Theatre until Saturday 24th August 2024, for all ticket information go here. The show will then begin its tour around the UK – for all dates go here. Please be aware that at some venues the narrator will be played by Mawaan Rizwan.

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